Posting Midterm Grades in the Portal
How to Post Midterm Grades
Step 1 Expand the My Classes section of the menu to the left-hand side of your screen and click on Gradebook.
Step 2 Under "View Course List for Term", select the correct term from the drop-down menu.
Step 3 Select the course for which you want to enter midterm grades by clicking on the Course Title hyperlink from the table listing your courses.
The primary course list showing two courses, with the hyperlink of one course highlighted.
Step 4 There are two tabs for entering grades. Click on the Midterm Grades tab. On the table listing the students in the course, enter a numeric grade for each student under the corresponding colmn. As you enter the numeric grade, the letter grade will automatically populate in the Letter Grade column. Once you are done entering midterm grades for all students, click the Post Midterm Grades button at the bottom.
The midterm grades tab with a list of student (names have been removed) showing numeric and letter grades.