Mail Merge and Mailing Lists
The purpose of this document is to familiarize the CampusNexus Student user with the use of letters and mail merge. This document contains instructions for the following areas:
- Reports
- Letters and Tasks
- Printing Letters
- Batch Letter Merges and Creation of Mailing Labels
- Single Letters
Step 1 Click on the "hamburger" menu icon (three horizontal bars) and select Reports, or click on the Reports tile. Select the desired report and Preview the report. This exercise uses Reports> Academic Records> Potential Graduates.
Step 2 The report form will open on the right side of the screen. Complete the report or select from drop-down menus as appropriate. In the report form on the bottom right hand side, you can save the report to a group.
Step 3 When naming the group use a name that identifies the information obtained in the report.
Step 4 Schedule a Letter Activity for the Group. On the home page select the Groups tile.
Step 5 In the Student Groups module select the group that has been saved by clicking on it. Then click the Schedule Task from the action bar.
Step 6 Complete the Schedule Task Form with the following information:
- Assigned to - Defaults to your name
- Task Template-Dropdown
- Subject-Dropdown
- Employer-Optional
- Due Date
- Status
An example Schedule Task with an arrow pointing to the Save & Close option on the action bar.
Step 7 In the Contact Manager for the staff member assigned to the Task, each student in the previously saved group will appear with the letter to be printed as a group.
The Tasks section showing a list of tasks with columns for the subject, student, due date, priority, status, and assigned to fields.
Print Letters
Step 1 To print the letters, go to Processes > Contact Manager > Letters.
The Letters process tab.Step 2 Complete the Selection Criteria and then click Next. Results will appear for letters to be Queued. A pop-up window will appear with the Batch Name.
Step 3 When you are ready to print the letters for a record in the list, click on the link on the Letter column. CampusNexus Student displays a file that contains all the letters. Use the features available in Word to review, edit, and print the letters in the file.