School Fields: Add and Manage
Add School Fields
Before you can manage School Fields they need to be set up and configured within each module. Each module will have its own School Fields.
Step 1 To access the School Fields function from the home screen you may either click the Settings Tile or select the hamburger menu icon in the command bar and the select Settings.
Step 2 Locate the “System” menu and then select the School Defined Fields.
Step 3 To view or edit an existing School Defined Field click the Name link (Blue Hyperlink) and the detail form will appear with the information on the field including name, code, type, etc. Follow your institutional business practices for updating the school fields as required.
Step 4 To add a new School Defined Field, click the New option or by copying and modifying an existing list item, click on the row in the list and the Duplicate button on the toolbar.
Step 5 Review, specify, or change the values. Type (Student or Course). In the lower half
of the form enter the Name, Code and Length. Don’t forget to select a type from the drop down, the type of validation, if include in auto award and the module visibility.
Step 6 Click the Save button, Save & New or Save & Close.
Managing School Defined Fields
For this example, we are showing the School Fields related to Academic Records.
Step 1 Navigate to the student’s grid and locate the student. Open the student’s profile by clicking on the student’s name. Once the profile appears click the Academic Records option on right hand menu and the list of tiles will appear.
Step 2 Select the School Fields, Update/modify the record as needed and click Save from thew actions bar.