Connecting to the Claremont Guest WiFi Network - Mobile
The Guest Wi-Fi network is for use by those people without network credentials. It is free for use by guests and visitors.
This article covers connecting to the network using your Apple or Android mobile device.
If you require guidance in connecting your laptop to the network, please click here.
Please note that Claremont-Guest is an unsecured network and does not require a password. As a result it is not private. Avoid sending sensitive information while connected to this network.
- On your Mobile Device, go to your Wi-Fi settings. (Apple iOS shown below left, Android shown below right)
Select Claremont-Guest.
Enter a valid email address.
This email address will not be saved, sold, nor used for any other purpose other than to allow you to connect.
You may click on The Claremont Colleges Policies link to review the terms and conditions for using the Claremont Colleges Guest Network.
Once you have entered your email address, tap I Agree to accept the terms and conditions of use.
You will see the network landing page.
You may now navigate the internet normally.
If you are unable to connect:
- Make sure that Wi-Fi is enabled on your mobile device.
- Check the Wi-Fi signal strength and move to an area with a stronger signal, if necessary.
- If you are connected to another network, select Forget This Network (iOS) or Forget Network (Android).
Questions? Comments? Concerns? Please let us know at