LastPass Account Merging
TCCS Employees are assigned a LastPass Business account to securely store and share TCCS credentials. Instructions below are for anyone who has a second LastPass account to merge into their TCCS LastPass Business account.
1. Navigate to the LastPass website,
2. Log-in with the account you would like to merge passwords into your TCCS Business account
a. If you have used your TCCS email, login with the alias
3. Select Advanced Options from the left pane
4. From the Advanced Options, select Export
5. Enter the Master Password and a .CSV file will automatically download
6. Once downloaded, log out of the account and return to the LastPass login page
7. Log in using your TCCS Business account,
a. If this is your first time logging in to the TCCS Business Account, an Activation Key email was provided on your first day
b. Please contact IT if you are needing a new activation key
8. Select Advanced Options from the left pane
9. From the Advanced Options menu, select Import
10. Select Other from the available options
11. Upload the .CSV file previously downloaded
12. Review items and when ready, select Import selected
13. Once importing is successful, imported passwords will appear in your TCCS LastPass Business account vault.
14. Once password have been uploaded, login and delete the second LastPass account
a. If you have used your TCCS email for the second account, login with the alias
15. From the account drop down options (top right), select Account Settings
16. On the Account Settings page, scroll down to see the Account Information. Select My Account from the Links sections
17. Select Delete or Reset Account for the existing user
18. Select Delete to confirm account deletion
19. Confirm deletion and select Yes